

Miniature models 1/700 for the boardgame STRATAK WARS or Axis & Allies:

Trumpeter 03456 Reggiane Re.2000 Falco italian fighter WW II


8.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days



Battleship Bismarck, Germany - ready built and painted in the scale 1/700 



130.00 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Battleship Yamato, Japan - ready built and painted in the scale 1/700 



99.90 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Tamiya aircraft carrier Shinano, Japan in scale 1/700 - model kit



34.99 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Tamiya Battleship King George V, Great Britain in scale 1/700 - model kit



22.49 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Tamiya battleship Missouri, USA in scale 1/700 - model kit



35.99 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Tamiya Battleship Nelson, Great Britain in scale 1/700 - model kit



17.79 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Tamiya Battleship Yamato, Japan in scale 1/700 - model kit



30.99 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Tamiya destroyer Fletcher, USA in scale 1/700 - model kit



9.99 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Tamiya destroyer Fubuki, Japan in scale 1/700 - model kit



9.99 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Miniature models 1/700 for the boardgame STRATAK WARS or Axis & Allies:

Trumpeter 03402 1/700 SBD Dauntless US aircraft - Navy dive bomber


9.80 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German Bomber Heinkel He 111

In black colour.


1.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Tamiya destroyer O-Class, Great Britain in scale 1/700 - model kit



11.29 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German Bomber Junkers Ju-88

In black colour.


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian Bomber Piaggio P 108 in brown colour.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German anti aircraft gun in black colour. Flak 88 mm.

Without shield.

0.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian anti aircraft gun in brown colour. AA gun Cannone da 90/53.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies fighter for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

MiG-3 (Russia) for France in blue.


0.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Russian destroyer Gnevnyi for France in blue colour.


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American Bomber B-17 in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese Bomber Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" in middle brown.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British Bomber Halifax in tan colour


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German bomber Heinkel He 111 for Japan in middle brown.


1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British bomber Avro Lancaster for Russia in dark brown.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British bomber Avro Lancaster for USA in green.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British Bomber Avro Lancaster in tan colour


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies bomber for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Petlyakov Pe-8 (Russia) for France in blue


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian Bomber Pe-8 in dark brown.


0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies marker for STRATAK WARS: Italy control marker.

Usable as ownership marker for STRATAK WARS.

0.25 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


An american wargame with miniatures and very big gameboards

135.44 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within ca. 5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German anti aircraft gun in black colour. Flak 41 8.8 with shield.

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC anti aircraft gun in grey colour.

 L/70 40mm (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american anti aircraft gun in green colour. 90 mm M1 AA gun.

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian anti aircraft gun in dark brown colour. 85 mm M 1939.

0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

French anti aircraft gun in blue colour. 85 mm AA gun.

0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: British anti aircraft gun in beige / light brown colour. 3,7 inch QFAA.

1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese anti aircraft gun in middle brown colour. Type 88 AA gun.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi for Germany in black colour.

0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi in middle brown colour.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian aircraft carrier Aquila in brown colour.


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin in black colour.

1.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Aircraft carrier Illustrious (british) for France in blue colour.

0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Aircraft carrier Illustrious for Great Britain in tan colour.

1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British aircraft carrier Illustrious for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian aircraft carrier Kostromitinova project for Great Britain in tan colour.

0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Aircraft carrier Kostromitinova for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian aircraft carrier Kostromitinova for USA in green colour.


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano in middle brown colour.


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American aircraft carrier Wasp in green colour.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German gun in black colour. 10,5 cm howitzer.

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian gun in dark brown colour. 105 mm gun (US) for Russia.

1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american gun in green colour. 105 mm howitzer.

0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: French gun in blue colour. 152 mm russian howitzer.

1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian gun in dark brown colour. 152 mm howitzer.

1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: British gun in beige / light brown colour. 25 pounder.

0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian gun in brown colour. Cannone da 75/32.

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC gun in grey colour.

 BL 5.5 inch (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)

0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese gun in middle brown colour. Type 92.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC infantry in grey colour.

0.18 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: Chinese infantry in light green colour.

For resistance or neutral countries for STRATAK WARS.

0.18 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German infantry in black colour.


0.16 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British Infantry in tan colour.


0.13 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian infantry in brown colour.

0.17 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese infantry in middle brown colour.


0.10 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies Infantry miniature for the STRATAK WARS boardgame:

Nation France in blue colour.


0.17 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian infantry in dark brown colour.


0.10 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature - also usable for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American infantry in green colour.


0.13 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Japanese fighter Mistubishi A6M "Zero"


0.25 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor: German Fighter Messerschmitt Bf 109


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC fighter in grey colour.

CA-12 Boomerang (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)

0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

German fighter Focke Wulf Fw 190A


1.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

German fighter Focke Wulf Fw 190 A


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian Fighter MC 202 Folgore in brown.


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Russian Fighter MiG-3 in dark brown.


0.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american fighter P-38 in green.


0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US american Fighter P-40 Warhawk for Great Britain.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US american Fighter P-40 Warhawk in dark brown.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american fighter P-40 Warhawk in green.


1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor: British Fighter Spitfire


0.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

German cruiser Admiral Hipper in black colour.

1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British cruiser Kent of the county class in tan colour.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC cruiser Kent of the County class

In grey colour. (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)

1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Cruiser Kirov (russian) for France in blue colour.


1.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian cruiser Kirov in dark brown colour.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American cruiser Portland in green colour.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese cruiser Takao class in middle brown colour.


0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian cruiser Zara in brown colour.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american mechanized infantry in green colour. M3 halftrack.

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: British mechanized infantry in beige / light brown colour. Priest.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC mechanized infantry in grey colour.

Ram-Kangaroo (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German mechanized infantry in black colour. Sd.Kfz. 251/1.

0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian mechanized infantry in brown colour. SPA Dovunque 35.

0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese mechanized infantry / halftrack in middle brown colour. Type 1.

0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: French mechanized infantry in blue colour. Zis-42.

0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian mechanized infantry in dark brown colour. Zis-42.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC tank in grey colour.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank Josef Stalin II for Great Britain in tan colour.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank Josef Stalin II in dark brown.


0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank Josef Stalin II for USA in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian tank Carro Armato M15/42 in brown.


0.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American tank M4 Sherman in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British tank Matilda in tan colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German Tank Panzerkampfwagen V Panther in black colour.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank T-34/76 in dark brown.


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies tank for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

T34/76 (Russia) for France in blue


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German Tank Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I E in black colour.


1.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German tank Panzer VI Tiger I E for Japan in middle brown


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese tank Type 95 Ha-Go in middle brown


0.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

German battleship Bismarck in black colour.

1.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Battleship Gangut (russian) for France in blue colour.


0.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian battleship Gangut in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British battleship HMS Hood in tan colour.


1.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British battleship HMS Hood for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British battleship HMS Hood in green colour.


0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American battleship Iowa in green colour.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Japanese battleship Kongo for Germany in black colour.

0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for das Brettspiel STRATAK WARS:

Japanese battleship Kongo in middle brown colour.


1.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian battleship Littorio in brown colour.


1.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British battleship Royal Oak of the Revenge class in tan colour.


0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC battleship in grey colour.

 Warspite (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for das Brettspiel STRATAK WARS:

Japanese battleship Yamato in middle brown colour.


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC strategical bomber in grey colour.

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC tactical bomber in grey colour.

Bristol Beaufort (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese tactical bomber Aichi D3A "VAL"


0.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: Tactical Bomber Il 2 Sturmovik (russian) for France in blue colour.


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Axis & Allies tactical Bomber Il 2 Sturmovik Russia in dark brown.


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German tactical bomber Ju-87 Stuka

Sturzkampfbomber in black colour.


0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British tactical Bomber Mosquito in tan


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American tactical bomber SBD Dauntless in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian tactical bomber Savoia-Marchetti SM 79


1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC aircraft carrier in grey colour.

Majestic (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies Transport for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Baltic Timber (Russia) for France in blue


1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Russian transporter Baltic Timber in dark brown.


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Canadian transporter Fort class in tan colour


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Canadian transporter Fort class for Russia


1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Canadian transporter Fort class in green.


1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca..2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Japanese transporter Hakusan-Maru


1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor: German transporter Hilfskreuzer Altmark


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian transport Iridio Montavani in brown.


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Transporter of Liberty class for Great Britain in tan colour


1.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american transporter Liberty class in green.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC transport in grey colour.

 Monowai (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Japanese transporter Yamazuki Maru


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Japanese transporter Yamazuki Maru for Germany


1.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese submarine of I-class in middle brown.


0.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature - for the STRATAK WARS boardgame also:

Japanese submarine Kaichu for Germany in black

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese submarine Kaichu in middle brown.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian submarine Marconi in brown colour.

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American submarine Gato in green.


0.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC submarine in grey colour.

S-class (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian submarine Gato-class in dark brown colour.

1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Russian submarine Srednyaya for France in blue colour.

0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian submarine Srednyaya in dark brown colour.

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame system STRATAK WARS:

US american submarine Gato class in tan colour.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature - for the STRATAK WARS boardgame also:

German submarine Type VII in black colour

0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British submarine U-class for Russia in dark brown colour.

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British submarine U-class in green.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British Submarine Truculant in tan colour


0.35 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British submarine U-class in tan colour


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: German destroyer 1934A-class  in black colour.


0.55 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

Japanese destroyer Akitsuki  for Germany in black colour.


1.99 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese destroyer Akitsuki in middle brown colour.


1.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American destroyer Fletcher in green colour.


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Japanese destroyer Fubuki in middle brown colour.


0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian destroyer Gnevnyi in dark brown colour.


0.69 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: US american destroyer Fletcher class in light brown colour for Great Britain.


0.95 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British destroyer Saumarez-class in tan colour.


0.49 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Italian destroyer Soldati in brown colour.


0.79 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS:

US american destroyer Allen M. Sumner for Great Britain in light brown colour.


0.89 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american destroyer Allen M. Sumner for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American destroyer Sumner in green colour.


0.99 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS: ANZAC destroyer in grey colour.

Tribal class  (Australia, New Zealand, Canada).

0.89 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis and Allies Setup Box Italy of the EUROPE 1940 second edition version

with a descriptions of units per city for the start setup

1.09 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Bomber G4M Betty for Italy in brown.


0.99 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Fighter Messerschmitt Me 109 for Italy in brown.


0.85 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Gun Type 92 70 mm for Italy in brown.


1.59 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German submarine Type VII for Italy in brown.


1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German destroyer 1934 A class for Italy in brown.


1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin for Italy in brown.


1.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

German battleship Bismarck for Italy in brown.


1.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the STRATAK WARS boardgame system:

105 mm gun in beige / light brown colour for Great Britain.

1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days