



Here you can find many counter sheets which can be used for "STRATAK WARS Der Auftakt / The Beginning" as well.


- Tanks, bombers and fighters for 4 players (USA, Japan, Russia, Germany)

- Tanks, bombers and fighters for 2 additional players (Great Britain, Italy)

- Small ownership counters for 6 players

- Infantry for 6 players

- Ships for 6 players including landing ships, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers and additional aircraft for the carrier

- Anti tank guns, light and heavy anti aircraft guns, small and big fortresses, heavy artillery and bridges

- Counters for a 7th player (France) - especially useful for "STRATAK WARS Europe"

- Damage counters

- Task force and supply counters

You can choose from several counter sheets after clicking on the example.

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151 - 200 of 263 results


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian infantry in dark brown colour.


0.10 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank T-34/76 in dark brown.


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank Josef Stalin II in dark brown.


0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Russian Fighter MiG-3 in dark brown.


0.29 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US american Fighter P-40 Warhawk in dark brown.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Axis & Allies tactical Bomber Il 2 Sturmovik Russia in dark brown.


0.45 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian Bomber Pe-8 in dark brown.


0.89 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British bomber Avro Lancaster for Russia in dark brown.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian anti aircraft gun in dark brown colour. 85 mm M 1939.

0.65 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian gun in dark brown colour. 152 mm howitzer.

1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian gun in dark brown colour. 105 mm gun (US) for Russia.

1.09 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian mechanized infantry in dark brown colour. Zis-42.

0.45 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Russian transporter Baltic Timber in dark brown.


1.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Canadian transporter Fort class for Russia


1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian submarine Srednyaya in dark brown colour.

0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British submarine U-class for Russia in dark brown colour.

0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian submarine Gato-class in dark brown colour.

1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian destroyer Gnevnyi in dark brown colour.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american destroyer Allen M. Sumner for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian cruiser Kirov in dark brown colour.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British aircraft carrier Illustrious for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.89 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Aircraft carrier Kostromitinova for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.85 *

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can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian battleship Gangut in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British battleship HMS Hood for Russia in dark brown colour.


0.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies markers for STRATAK WARS: 20 control markers Russia of the Anniversary edition

Usable as ownership markers for STRATAK WARS.

1.99 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies marker for STRATAK WARS: Russia control marker1940 2nd edition.

It can be used as ownership marker for STRATAK WARS.

0.13 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies marker for STRATAK WARS: Russia control marker 1941.

It can be used as ownership marker for STRATAK WARS.

0.10 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies marker for STRATAK WARS: Russia control marker 1942 2nd edition.

It can be used as ownership marker for STRATAK WARS.

0.20 *

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can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition Russia Army Set for the wargame STRATAK WARS
In dark brown colour.


26.57 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature - also usable for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American infantry in green colour.


0.13 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American tank M4 Sherman in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian tank Josef Stalin II for USA in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american fighter P-38 in green.


0.59 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american fighter P-40 Warhawk in green.


1.19 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American tactical bomber SBD Dauntless in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American Bomber B-17 in green.


0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British bomber Avro Lancaster for USA in green.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american anti aircraft gun in green colour. 90 mm M1 AA gun.

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american gun in green colour. 105 mm howitzer.

0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US american mechanized infantry in green colour. M3 halftrack.

0.55 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

US-american transporter Liberty class in green.


1.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgames STRATAK WARS and Naval battle at Tangor:

Canadian transporter Fort class in green.


1.79 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca..2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American submarine Gato in green.


0.39 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

British submarine U-class in green.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American destroyer Fletcher in green colour.


0.49 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American destroyer Sumner in green colour.


0.99 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American cruiser Portland in green colour.


0.69 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American aircraft carrier Wasp in green colour.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

Russian aircraft carrier Kostromitinova for USA in green colour.


0.85 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca. 2-5 days


Axis & Allies miniature for the boardgame STRATAK WARS:

US American battleship Iowa in green colour.


0.75 *

In stock
can be shipped within ca.2-5 days


Prices include VAT, plus delivery

151 - 200 of 263 results